Capture memories that last

Audio guestbook

Make memories last with our “Leave Us A Message” audio guestbook. This vintage-inspired audio guestbook is perfect for weddings and parties, letting your guests record their heartfelt messages. With our audio guestbook Guest Phone, you can cherish the memories of your event for years to come.

How Does it work?

Your guests pick up the phone & listen to a pre-recorded message that you record and we load onto the phone

After the beep, your guests will leave you their own message by speaking directly into the phone.

Once they're done they simply hang up and the next guest is ready to pick up the phone and repeat the process.

After the event we will send you a personalised audio file of all the recorded messages from your guests.

Which package?

Vintage Phone Chair

Our premium set up includes our beautifully vintage telephone chair with our guest phone on the side. We add some eye-catching decor and a “how-to” sign, so your guests know what to do.

£349 for the whole event

telephone desk

We’ll deliver the phone to you by courier approximately 2 days before your event included with set up instructions. You can then set up and use the phone to record all your messages during the event. After the event our courier will come and collect the phone from your doorstep and once we receive it back to us we’ll send you all of your audio files.

£199 for the whole event

Do you want to add the Audio Guestbook to your next event?

The Audio guestbook is perfect for:

Weddings | Baby Showers | Brand activations | Testimonials | Private Parties | & Many more